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Help! I can’t stand my mother.
Momma News, General, Lifestyle Anissa Blair Momma News, General, Lifestyle Anissa Blair

Help! I can’t stand my mother.

We've all experienced relationships that didn't withstand the test of time. Yet, the pain cuts deeper when that relationship is with the woman you once called your mother. Ideally, the bond we share with our mothers shapes us into the women we are today. However, it becomes especially challenging when that connection is full of pain and hurt feelings, leaving lingering wounds that have yet to heal.

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Stress is a b*tch!
Momma News, General, Lifestyle Anissa Blair Momma News, General, Lifestyle Anissa Blair

Stress is a b*tch!

According to the American Institute of Stress Statistics, approximately 33 percent of people report extreme stress. You probably think that this is a low number. Let me break it down a little further for you. Shall I? Of course. Of that 33 percent, 77 percent of people experience stress to the point that it adversely affects their physical health and a staggering 73 percent reported that it affects them mentally. From this, they have trouble sleeping, daily tasks are a struggle, and they have a lapse in memory and judgment. I told you it's serious.

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Fighting Through Chaos
Momma News, General, Lifestyle Anissa Blair Momma News, General, Lifestyle Anissa Blair

Fighting Through Chaos

You feel like no matter what you do or how well you try to accomplish the next goal on your way to success, you either feel like a) Tom from Tom and Jerry, waiting on Jerry to move the ladder or b) you're so caught up that you don't see a way out. During those moments, I allow myself time to sit in - THE MOMENT. Not enjoy it, but recognize that it exists and that I'm human. After those 24 hours, it's officially time to GET OVER IT! Yeah, that's easier said than done.

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5 Ways to Find Your Happily Ever
Momma News, General, Relationship Anissa Blair Momma News, General, Relationship Anissa Blair

5 Ways to Find Your Happily Ever

Most of us grew up expecting to live a fairy tale life with no disappointments. The Disney fantasy is that a downtrodden Cinderella gets whisked off her feet by Prince Charming. Yes, it’s a fantasy. We all know how the story ends – he professes undying love for Cinderalla, and they live happily ever after. Are you still waiting on your happily ever after?

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Divorced and dating over 40? Tips to finding Mr. Right
Momma News, General Anissa Blair Momma News, General Anissa Blair

Divorced and dating over 40? Tips to finding Mr. Right

How are we CEOs of Fortune 500 companies but still can’t figure out the dating game? Have you had a date lately? And don’t use COVID as an excuse as to why the only text messages you’re receiving are from your BFF. Dating after 40 has its challenges- you’re divorced with children, trying to maintain a co-parenting relationship with your ex while handling your business simultaneously. You’re exhausted and not in the mood for a man’s BS. Sound familiar?

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Make everyday count – 7 steps to transform your life
Momma News, General Anissa Blair Momma News, General Anissa Blair

Make everyday count – 7 steps to transform your life

What plans did you have pre-COVID that have derailed? In life, we like our well-thought-out dreams should happen, but rarely do we think about the positives in them not working out. While we continue to battle COVID and spend more time at home, use this space to re-invent yourself, re-evaluate what matters and re-imagine your life. Yeah, I know it sounds simple in theory, but can be scary and frankly hard as hell to put into fruition.

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5 Ways to Overcome Adversity
Momma News, General, Health Anissa Blair Momma News, General, Health Anissa Blair

5 Ways to Overcome Adversity

Today, we will start the tedious process of putting in the work and loving ourselves. It’s much easier to choose happiness over sadness. Scientist says it takes more energy to frown than to smile. I proclaim that at this moment, smiling will become the staple in which you live your life. Graciousness will become front and center of who you are.

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Is it Time for a Fill-in?
Momma News, General Anissa Blair Momma News, General Anissa Blair

Is it Time for a Fill-in?

Are you taking yourself way too seriously? Are you steadily counting the number of mistakes you make? I’m here to say it’s time to be happy regardless of the circumstances. If you don’t, depression and resentment will knock on your door and take over your house. Now we don’t want that, do we?

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P.S. I Love Me More
Momma News, General Anissa Blair Momma News, General Anissa Blair

P.S. I Love Me More

I know you’re mentally tallying all your time invested in this relationship that hasn’t progressed from year one. You’ve stayed in this marriage even though it doesn’t serve you. You’ve bent over backward to ensure your man’s happiness and well-being. You’re the supportive woman, daily ensuring all his needs are met while tapping into his five love languages. No matter the obstacle, you’re that ride-or-die girl that will have his back until the end. I get it; you’re in love. When you’re in that committed union, you have tunnel vision. But what has he done for you lately?

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4 Steps to Discovering Your Inner Peace and Happiness
Momma News, General Rachel Davis Humphries Momma News, General Rachel Davis Humphries

4 Steps to Discovering Your Inner Peace and Happiness

You are enough! Pay no attention to the negativity from others. More importantly, ignore the doubt-filled voices in your head. Instead, accept and appreciate the talents and qualities that have your name on them. Doing this makes you less likely to focus on what other people have or are doing. Realize your uniqueness's value and beauty. I promise your life will be better for it.

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Is your relationship on life support: 6 steps to letting go and moving on
Momma News, General, Relationship Anissa Blair Momma News, General, Relationship Anissa Blair

Is your relationship on life support: 6 steps to letting go and moving on

Even when you know something is wrong, deciding to quit isn’t easy. You’re scared of being single, not wanting to hurt feelings, or worried about making the wrong decision. Ending a relationship can be difficult, no matter how toxic it might be. What do you do when your relationship is on life support, and you fear pulling the plug?

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Oversharing on Social Media: Is your relationship suffering?
Momma News, General, Relationship Rachel Davis Humphries Momma News, General, Relationship Rachel Davis Humphries

Oversharing on Social Media: Is your relationship suffering?

We love our children. We’ve become laser-focused on providing them with unconditional love, an overabundance of nurturing and breaking our backs to give in to all their wants and desires. Because we want the very best for them, to see them blissfully happy, it’s a good chance we’ve created a generation of ungrateful children. Are you as exhausted as I am?

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Reaching your goals-I can and I will!
Lifestyle Anissa Blair Lifestyle Anissa Blair

Reaching your goals-I can and I will!

Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take towards reaching that goal.”

That’s a mouthful, right?! If you’re anything like me, you take little time to relish that accomplishment or achievement before you’re off to the races to conquer your next goal. If this sounds like you, I need you to stop!

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Words Have Power
Blog, General, Relationship Anissa Blair Blog, General, Relationship Anissa Blair

Words Have Power

We all know that words have power, and they can either make you feel elated or defeated. How did you feel after the sting of hurtful words that only true intent was to scar you, mangle your opinion of yourself, and second guess everything you stand for?

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Cultivating Love In A Blended Family
Blog, General, Relationship, Family Anissa Blair Blog, General, Relationship, Family Anissa Blair

Cultivating Love In A Blended Family

Whether you’re a step-parent, step-sibling, or any other member of a non-traditional family, a blended family can be a wonderful experience. Albeit, blended families come with their own list of challenges. Such as, will I be accepted by his/her kids? Can I give love to children that aren’t mine? And can I give this family the very best that I have to offer?

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