Stress is a b*tch!

It’s time to talk about…stress.

Pat yourself on the back. We’ve almost made it to the end of 2023. It’s been a helluva several years. Whew, between these pandemics, the high cost of food, and inflation, we’re all stressed as hell and wondering when it’ll get better.

Well, the good news is that you’ve survived the pandemic, you really don’t need as much food as you think, and well, inflation is just that, inflation.

What’s more important to me is your stress level; especially with the holidays quickly approaching. Did that word give you a panic attack?! Don’t worry; we’ll get through this ordeal together with a glass or two of wine.

According to the American Institute of Stress Statistics, approximately 33 percent of people report extreme stress. You probably think that this is a low number. Let me break it down a little further for you. Shall I? Of course. Of that 33 percent, 77 percent of people experience stress to the point that it adversely affects their physical health and a staggering 73 percent reported that it affects them mentally. From this, they have trouble sleeping, daily tasks are a struggle, and they have a lapse in memory and judgment. I told you it's serious.

Stress is known as a silent killer, yet typically all the red flags of warning are there. It can lead to heart attack, prolonged health issues, substance abuse, and, IF left untreated, death.

Interestingly, according to the American Institute of Stress, millennials are getting hit the hardest. Between 18-33 years old, they suffer the highest stress levels. And let me mention this age group is leading the way in suicide.

Stop with the self-care, blah, blah, blah. Yes, I love that you're getting your nails done and the occasional massage, but stress is killin' us, so we have to go deeper.

I refer to this as D-R-E-A-M therapy.

1-Distraction- Walk away from what is elevating your stress. This is your official Adult Time Out.

2-Rest- Take a nap. Sleep-deprived people have a higher cortisol level, the stress hormone, leading to weight gain and brain fog.

3-Exhale- It's time to meditate. Nope, you don't need incense, and you sure don't need to chant. Just breathe. Inhale deeply for five seconds and exhale fully through your mouth, preferably with your eyes closed. Do this until you feel yourself calming down.

4-Address­- There are moments when you should take the bull by the horns. Address the problem in a way to provide the possibility of a resolution. If this fails, resort back to #1.

5-Movement- No, I'm not asking you to run a 5k. Just go for a leisure walk outside to enjoy nature. It's proven that a change of scenery to disconnect is powerful.

Stress affects all of us. It's the gift that keeps on giving. What's important is how we manage to accept life's ebb and flow. Go easy on yourself and practice the techniques above until you've mastered them.

If all else fails, contact a professional and get the help you deserve.

See how your body responses to stress.



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