Reaching your goals-I can and I will!
Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take towards reaching that goal.”
That’s a mouthful, right?! If you’re anything like me, you take little time to relish that accomplishment or achievement before you’re off to the races to conquer your next goal. If this sounds like you, I need you to stop!
I recently had a conversation with my husband, allowing frustration to set in. I’m super hard on myself when it comes to being intentional about my dreams. During this discussion, my cup was half empty, but I had enough self-pity to get my sip on. LOL! Have you ever had these perceived notions for what YOU want from life, and when it doesn’t fit that scheme, you feel diminished and defeated? Yep, that was me. My wise husband pointed out that I struggle to enjoy the moment. He pointed out that once I’ve reached that milestone, instead of relishing the occasion, I’m setting off for the next goal without congratulating myself for what just happened.
Let me tell you how bad I am. Late last year, I purchased a new Italian SUV. Nice by all standards and equipped me with what I wanted. The salesman handed me the key, attempted to go over all the vehicle’s perks, and literally, I told him I’d be back for the next car. Now don’t get me wrong, I was thankful for the blessing of being able to afford it, especially during a pandemic. Instead of enjoying the new car smell, I went into planning mode, looking ahead to the next purchase.
Y'all should know by now that I’m an analogy person. So, it dawned on me that reaching your goals can be the same as purchasing a new car.
Research vehicles and features- Don’t just come up with a goal, do your due diligence and make sure that 1) it’s a short-term goal attainable and 2) let it intertwine with your passion. The best way to reach those breakthroughs is to ensure that it does IT for you.
Get preapproved for the loan- This is the soul-searching part. Make sure that what you want is truly what YOU want. Not something you’ve seen other folks do, but what motivates and stirs your soul.
Plan your trade-in. The cup runneth over for all of us. Get rid of those goals that no longer fit your course of action. Remember, it’s okay to change your mind and redirect your path.
Locate and test drive the car- Connect with those with the same interest. The best way to decrease the chance of a misstep is to learn from those who have hit stumbling blocks.
Check the sale price and warranties- Do what is within your means. Yes, you want to be a top fashion designer, but if you can’t even thread a needle, I need you to reassess your goal temporarily. Once you’ve done that, make sure the outcome meets your specifications.
Review the deal and dealer financing- You’ve double-checked the numbers and calculated the risks involved. Now, pray!
Close the deal- Like Nike, ‘Just do it’!
Take delivery- Mission accomplished. You did that! Now do your praise dance.